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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan.
December 6, 1910.

Richard Rathbun, Esq.,
Assistant Secretary in Charge of the National Museum,
Washington, D. C.

My dear Sir:

I am this morning in receipt of your favor of the 5th instant, and note all that you have to say in regard to the three cases and four tables which Messrs. Charles F. Biele & Sons Co., New York, have shipped to the National Museum.

I thank you for calling my attention to the mistake which has occurred in regard to the eight foot (8') case sent by the Biele Company. I have measured the three Chinese albums which Mr. Freer wishes placed in this case and find that the dimension of the three albums when opened and placed closely together is seven feet, one and one-half inches (7' 1-1/2"). Of course there should be a little space between each book and as the case you now have measures seven feet, nine and one-quarter inches (7' 9-1/4") in length and the width is all right, I suppose that the albums would rest within the case all right. Mr Freer was very specific in ordering this case and gave the order as follows:

"Two 6' show-cases, 22" wide top glass and 12" glass high."
"One show-case, same as the above, but 96" long glass."