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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan
February 24, 1911.

Carl F. Biele, Esq.,
Vice President, Messrs. Charles F. Biele & Sons Company.
#379-381 West 12th Street,
New York, N.Y.

Dear Sir:

I am this morning in receipt of a letter from Mr. Freer, dated "Shanghai, January 24th," acknowledging receipt of my letters of December 19th and 24th in which I enclosed to him the complete correspondence had with you covering your bill, dated November 30, 1910, for two 6 foot and one 8 foot show cases and four ebonized cherry tables. You will please remember that this bill covered the show case ordered from you by Dr. Freer as 96 inches long glass. In your letter of December 23rd you wrote me saying:

"We must admit having made an error in making this case 94" glass long, as customary, instead of 96" glass as ordered and of course stand ready to make it good in case there is any question about it."

In Mr. Freer's letter, he says that he is sorry an error in measurement happened but without seeing the case and placing within it the objects to be exhibited, he cannot say whether or not the class of the length originally