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15. "She kiss'd us both, and then she died, 
"And we no more a mother have-- 
"Here many a day we sat and cried
"Together on poor mother's grave,

16. "But when our father came not here,
"I thought if we could find the sea,
"We should be sure to meet him there,
"And once again might happy be.

17. "We hand and hand went many a mile, 
"And ask'd our way of all we met,
"And some did sign, and some did smile,
"And we of some did victuals get.

18. "But when we reach'd the sea, and found,
"'Twas one great water round us spread,
"We thought that father must be drown'd,
"And cried and wish'd us both were dead.

19. "So we return'd to mother's grace,
"And only long with her to be!
"For Goody, when this bread she gave,
"Said father died beyond the sea.

20. "Then since no parents have we here,
"We'll go and seek for God around,
"Lady, pray can you tell us where
"That God, our Father, may be found?

21. "He lives in Heaven, mother said,
"And Goody says that mother's there;
"So if she thinks we want his aid,
"I think, perhaps she'll send him here."

22. I clasp'd the prattlers to my breast,
And cried, come both and live with me-
I'll clothe ye, feed ye, give ye rest,
And will a second mother be.

23. And God will be your father still;
'Twas he in mercy sent me here,
To teach you to obey his will,
Your steps to guide, your hearts to cheer.



Francis Williams 5
Jasmin Thoumazeau 5
Ignatius Sancho 6
Attobah Cugoano 8
A short account of Phillis Wheatley 10
Poor Sarah 12
Alice, the Negro 23
The Generous Negro 24
A Short Account of the Life of Capt. Paul Cuffee 26
Solomon Bayley 31
An Account of his Daughters, Margaret and Leah 36
Margaret Ann Crutchfield 43
Memoir of John Williams' remarkable affliction 47
Zilpah Montjoy 49
Belinda Lucas 52
Gustavus Vassa 55
Toussaint L'Ouverture 65
History of Billy and Jenny 73
Cornelius 77
Life of Simeon Wilhelm 79
Some Account of Lucy Cardwell 83
Rebecca Jackson 85
Lott Carey 87


Ebedmeleck's Kindness 91
The Good Master and his Faithful Slave 93
Ezekial Coston 95
An Anecdote 97
The Coloured Foundling 98
Louis Desrouleaux 99
The Grateful Negro 100
The Faithful Negress 100
Coffin 101
Job Ben Solomon 102
Anthony William Amo 102
Beronicius 103
James Derham 103
The Sweep and the Tomb Stones 104
Benjamin Banneker 106
Anecdote of two Negroes in France 106
Uncle Harry 108
The Happy Negro 114
The Hospitable Negro Woman 117
Irrouba 120
Belinda 121
An Extract of a Letter from S. G. 121
Negro Slave 122
Agnes Morris 124

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-20 08:09:08