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[[2 columned table]]
| --- | --- |
| A Funeral Poem on the Death of C.E., an Infant of twelve months, | 80 |
| To Captain H——d, | 82 |
| To the Right Honorable William, Earl of Dartmouth, | 83 |
| Ode to Neptune, on Mrs. W——'s Voyage to England, | 85 |
| To a Lady, on her coming to North America with her Son, for the Recovery of her Health, | 86 |
| To a Lady, on her remarkable Preservation in a Hurricane, in North Carolina, | 87 |
| To a Lady and her Children, on the Death of her Son and their Brother, | 89 |
| To a gentleman and Lady, on the Death of the Lady's Brother and Sister, and a Child of the name of Avis, aged one year, | 
 90 |
| On the Death of Dr. Samuel Marshall, | 91 |
| To a Gentleman on his Voyage to Great Britain, for the Recovery of his Health, | 93 |
| To the Rev. Dr. Thomas Amory, on reading his Sermons on Daily Devotion, in which that Duty is recommended and assisted, | 94 |
| On the Death of J.C., an Infant, | 95 |
| A Hymn to Humanity, | 97 |
| To the Hon T.H., Esq., on the Death of his Daughter, | 99 |
| Niobe in Distress for her Children slain by Apollo, | 100 |
| To S. M., a young African Painter, on seeing his Works, | 108 |
| To his Honor the Lieutenant Governor, on the Death of his Lady, | 110 |
| A Farewell to America, | 112 |
| A Rebus, | 114 |
| Answer to the Rebus, | 115 |


| Explanation, | 119 |
| Preface, | 122 |
| Praise of Creation, | 125 |
| On the Silence of a young Lady, on account of the imaginary flight of her suitor, | 127 |
| The Lover's Farewell, | 129 |


[[2 columned table]]
| --- | --- |
| On Liberty and Slavery, | 130 |
| To Eliza, | 132 |
| Love, | 133 |
| On the Death of an Infant, | 133 |
| The Slave's Complaint, | 134 |
| On the Truth of the Saviour, | 135 |
| On Spring, | 137 |
| On Summer, | 139 |
| On Winter, | 141 |
| Heavenly Love, | 143 |
| On the Death of Rebecca, | 144 |
| On Death, | 145 |
| On the Evening and Morning, | 146 |
| On the Poetic Muse, | 148 |
| Consequences of Happy Marriages, | 149 |
| Lines, on hearing of the Intention of a Gentleman to purchase the Poet's Freedom, | 151 |
| To the Gad-Fly, | 153 |
| The Loss of Female Character, | 154 |


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-19 16:58:13 Still need to finish column format on page 5 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-20 14:23:14 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-20 15:10:55