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Some time ago, you printed an account, which I sent you, of two little sweeps. I now send you an anecdote about another of these poor boys. It is written down nearly as it was communicated to me:  Jack had been several years apprenticed to his master, and was almost twelve years old, but he could not read. No person had ever taken any pains to teach him, and his master, though kind, was an ignorant man, and there was not a book in his house.
2. One day, as Jack was going along the street, he saw several school boys, about his own age, playing at marbles, and as he was very fond of the game, he stopped to look at them. His attention was soon caught by something new to him: this was their books, ranged in a line by the side of the wall.  He ventured to take hold of one, and was turning over the leaves, when the boy to whom it belonged came up, and angrily asked him what he was about.
3. Jack took some marbles out of his pocket, and offered to give them to the boy, if he would let him look at the book till the game was over. The owner consented, and Jack turned over the leaves, but of course could not make out its con-

tents. The game being ended, the boys dispersed; Jack returned the book, and asked the boy many questions about reading, and for another marble persuaded him to read some of his lessons before they parted.
4. The next day, Jack felt desirous to learn to read also, and not knowing any other plan, he watched for the boy's return from school, and after some talk about books, asked him to teach him to read, and offered him a marble for every letter he taught him.  The boy consented, and Jack set about trying to win marbles enough to pay his little master, and being a good shot, he succeeded, though not without some pains.* His teacher used to meet him every day for some time, and the little sweep soon began to spell words of one syllable.
5. One day, Jack came as before to the place where they used to meet, but did not find his teacher; he searched for him, and finding him busy at marbles, he waited until the game should be over. After a short time, to his great sorrow, the boy called out, "Scotty boy, I can't teach you any more; father and mother both have scolded me because you have dirtied my book with your black hands."
6. Poor Jack had not expected this; but he was unwilling to be disappointed, and being very differ-

*The compiler approves of Jack's motive, but not the practice of playing at marbles as a game.