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whip. You incorrigible wretch, how long do you intend to go in this way?" 'Why, master, just so long as the Lord will let me live,' was my reply. 'Well, what is your design in it?' 'Why, in the morning of the resurrection, when my poor body shall rise from the grave, I intend to show these scars to my heavenly Master, as so many witnesses of my faithfulness in his cause here upon earth.' He ordered me to be untied, and sent me to hoe corn in the field.
6. "Late in the evening, he came along, pulling up a weed here and a weed there, till he got to me and told me to sit down. 'Jack,' said he, 'I want you to tell me the truth honestly. You know for a long time you have been constantly sore from the cowhide, and had to work very hard, and are a poor slave; now tell me, are you happy, or are you not, under such afflictions as these?' 'Yes, master, I believe I am as happy a man as there is on earth.' 'Well, Jack, I am not happy. Your religion, you say, teaches you to pray for those who persecute you. Now will you pray for your old master, Jack?' 'Yes, with all my heart,' said I.
7. "We kneeled down, and I prayed for him. He came again and again to me, and I prayed for him in the field, till he found peace in the blood of the Lamb. We afterward lived together like brothers in the same church, and on his deathbed, he gave me my liberty, and told me to go on


preaching as long as I lived, and meet him at last in heaven. I have seen many Christians I loved, but I have never seen any I loved so well as my old master, and I have no doubt I shall meet him in heaven.

Accounts from Mantanzas state that the slave-trade still prevails to a great extent in the West Indies; that many ships from the United States are sold at that place, for the purpose of being sent to the Slave Coast of Africa; that there is an anchorage ground near that place, where the cargoes of human beings are landed, and driven into market like cattle. 
2. Those engaged in this inhuman trade may depend that

"The hour is approaching,—a terrible hour,
And Vengeance is bending her bow."

The wealth gained by "the agony and bloody sweat" of the poor Africans, who are stolen from their homes, will never prosper;—the curse of heaven will be on it !

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-21 01:36:08