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despised, and almost friendless condition, it feels to us that the children of Africa still have strong and peculiar claims on our sympathies, and that the "Shelter for Colored Orphans," especially challenges the liberality and benevolence of every member of the Society of Friends.
4. A report of the rise and progress of the institution has recently been published, which we commend to the notice of Friends, and hope to see extracts from it transferred to the columns of "The Friend."  We learn that the house at present occupied by the society is too small to accommodate their orphans, and that a Friend, with noble liberality, has presented them with a lot for the erection of a new building, if the requisite funds can be obtained.



An institution similar to that of Philadelphia, established by the "Association for the Benefit of Colored Orphans."  The following is a copy of their first annual report:-
"AMID the various charitable institutions with which our city abounds, the colored orphan appears to have been neglected, until the autumn of 1836, when an attempt was made to extend some relief to this destitute part of our population, which resulted, ere the close of the year, in the formation of an association for that purpose.
2. "It was the design of all interested, to establish the society on the basis of enlarged Christian charity, without sectarianism or party spirit, and entirely independent of the exciting questions that have lately agitated the public mind, in relation to the colored race.  When it is remembered that three asylums for white children are liberally supported in this city, and that there still remained a class excluded from a share in their benefits, with souls to be saved, minds to be improved, and characters to be trained to virtue and usefulness, can any one for a moment doubt the necessity for establishing such an institution.
3. "One year has now elapsed since the society was organized, and it becomes the duty of the

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-21 02:38:26