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364   HENRY BOYD.   365

work," said the master of the shop, right glad to employ so good a workman. The words had no sooner left his mouth, than his American journey-men, unbuttoning their aprons, called as one man, for the settlement of their wages.

7. "What! what!" said the amazed Englishman, "what does this mean?" "It means that we will not work with a nigger," replied the journeymen. "But he is a first-rate workman." "But we won't stay in the same shop with a nigger; we are not in the habit of working with niggers." "Then I will build a shanty outside, and he shall work in that." "No, no; we won't work for a boss who employs niggers. Pay us up, and we'll be off." The poor master of the shop turned with a despairing look to Boyd - "You see how it is, my friend, my workmen will all leave me. I am sorry for it, but I can't hire you."

8. Even at this repulse our adventurer did not despair. There might still be mechanics in the outskirts of the city, who had too few journeymen to be bound by their prejudices. His quarter of a dollar had long since disappeared, but, by carrying a traveller's trunk, or turning his hand to any chance job, he contrived to exist till he had made application to every carpenter and joiner in the city and its suburbs. Not one would employ him. By this time, the iron of prejudice, more galling than any thing he had ever known of slavery, had entered his soul.

9. He walked down to the river's bank below the city, and throwing himself upon the ground, gave way to an agony of despair. He had found himself the object of universal contempt; his plans were all frustrated, his hopes dashed, and his dear-bought freedom made no effect! By such trials, weak minds are prostrated in abject and slavish servility, and stronger ones are made the enemies and depredators of society; it is only the highest class of moral heroes that come off like gold form the furnace.

10. Of this class, however, was Henry Boyd. Recovering from his dejection, he surveyed the brawny muscles that strung his Herculean frame. A new design rushed into his mind, and new resolution filled his heart. He sprang upon his feet and walked firmly and rapidly toward the city, doubtless with aspirations that might have suited the words of the poet,
"They spirit, Independence, let me share,
Lord of the lion heart and eagle eye."

11. The first object which attracted his "eagle eye," on reaching the city, was one of the huge river boats laden with pig iron, drawn up to the landing. The captain of this craft was just inquiring of the merchant who owned its contents for a hand to assist in unloading it. "I am the very fellow for you," said Boyd, stripping off his coat, rolling up his sleeves, and laying hold of the


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