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'T was there I ran and closed the door
'Gainst one who ill such usage bore,
A playful child,-ah! now no more-
My petted brother!

And there with mingled joy and pain,
To con their tasks and con again,
I taught my little sisters twain,
For ever busy;
Just out the closet door they sat,
And mischief oft they would be at;
I loved them dearly for all that,
Fanny and Lizzie!

There, when my heart was sick with grief,
Finding its youthful joys so brief,
In prayer I sought a sure relief,
Denied me never.
Ah! sad to my young heart the day,
When, lingering still with fond delay,
I wept, and turn'd me thence away,
Alas! for ever.


OF all his starry honours shorn,
Away old night is stealing;
And upward springs the laughing morn,
A joyous life revealing.

Blue-eyed she comes with tresses spread,
And breath than incense sweeter;
The mountains glow beneath her tread,
Light clouds float on to meet her.

The tall corn briskly stirs its sheaves;
A thousand buds have burst
The soft green calyx, that their leaves
To greet her may be first.


The flowers, that lay all night in tears,
Look upward one by one;
And pearls each tiny petal bears,
An offering to the sun.

With beads the trembling grass is dress'd,-
Each thin spire hath its string,
Scatter'd in mist, as from her nest
The ground-bird flaps her wing.

The lake obeys the zephyr's will,
While, as by fingers press'd,
The bending locust-buds distil
Their sweetness o'er its breast.

With busy sounds the valley rings;
The ploughman yokes his team;
The fisher trims his light boat's wings,
And skims the brightening stream.

The gentle kine forsake the shed,
And wait the milk-maid's call;
The frighted squirrel hears her tread,
And scuds along the wall.

Scattering the night-clouds as in scorning,
Bright pour the new-born rays;
There's more of life in one sweet morning,
Than in a thousand days.


SLEEP on, sleep on! while yet thy sleep is sweet,
Nor scared by phantoms of world-weary care,
False pleasure, fear, or still delusive hope!
Sweeter the slumber that, perchance, for thee
Thy guardian angel tints with dreamy bliss.
That cherub-smile speaks not of gross delight;

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-28 07:24:37 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-28 12:24:29 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-28 10:52:01