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Another came - o'er her sweet face
A pensive shade was stealing;
Yet there no grief of earth we trace,
But heaven-hallow'd feeling,
Which mourns the heart should ever stray
From the pure fount of Truth away.

Around her brow, as a snow-drop fair,
The glossy tresses cluster,
Nor pearl, nor ornament was there,
Save the meek spirit's lustre; -
And faith and hope beam'd in her eye,
And angels bow'd as she pass'd by.


And Jesus said, Which was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves? - And he said, He that showed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go and do thou likewise-St. Luke.

Can China be our neighbour,
And yet receive no care?
Shall Christians cease their labour,
And leave her to despair?
Her children, sunk in sorrow,
Are sick with many ills,
To-day is sad-to-morrow
A deeper shadow fills.

And bow'd in tribulation,
No light athwart the gloom,
That old and haughty nation
Seems hastening to her doom;
The cup of woe is tasted,-
And must she, 'neath war's frown,
Like Babylon be wasted?
Like Egypt trodden down?

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-27 23:40:11