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Let him go! the day is breaking, 
Watch no more around his bed, 
For his parted soul hath fled. 
Bright will be his heavenly waking! 
And the morn that greets his sight, 
Never ends in death or night.


"The Lord spake unto Moses, Gather the people together, and I will give them water.  Then Israel sang this song, Spring up, O well: sing ye unto it."—Numbers xxi.16, 17. 

FROM the parch'd bosom of the desert bursting, 
Spring forth, oh stream, to bless us on our way; 
Revive our fainting spirits, cheer the thirsting, 
Spring forth! and let thy crystal waters play.

Flow on rejoicing, through the deep wilds wending,
Till the green herb shall blossom on thy brink, 
And wild gazelles o'er thy bright bosom bending, 
Shall quaff from thee their cool refreshing drink.

Roll on! not long we pitch our tents beside thee, 
Pure fountain for our fainting spirits made! 
Yet He who bade thee flow can fill and guide thee, 
When far from thee our pilgrim feet have stray'd.

Still on thy waters may the sunbeams quiver, 
And the mild moon shed down her silver light, 
Till with the billows of some ancient river 
Thy sparkling treasures mingle and unite.

Thus spake the Hebrews, in the desert singing, 
Asking in faith what God design'd to give, 
And the glad water from the dry sands springing, 
Burst forth, and bade the dying pilgrim live.



LED by his God, on Pisgah's height 
The pilgrim-prophet stood; 
When first fair Canaan bless'd his sight, 
And Jordan's crystal flood.

Behind him lay the desert ground 
His weary feet had trod; 
While Israel's host encamp'd around, 
Still guarded by their God.

With joy the aged Moses smiled 
On all his wanderings past, 
While thus he pour'd his accents mild 
Upon the mountain blast:—

"I see them all before me now,— 
The city and the plain, 
From where bright Jordan's waters flow, 
To yonder boundless main.

"Oh! there, the lovely promised land 
With milk and honey flows; 
Now, now, my weary murm'ring band 
Shall find their sweet repose.

"There groves of palm and myrtle spread 
O'er valleys fair and wide; 
The lofty cedar rears its head 
On every mountain side.

"For them the rose of Sharon flings 
Her fragrance on the gale; 
And there the golden lily springs, 
The lily of the vale.

Transcription Notes:
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