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"Amid the olive's fruitful boughs
Is heard a song of love, 
For there doth build and breathe her vows 
The gentle turtle-dove.

"For them shall bloom the clustering vine 
The fig-tree shed her flowers, 
The citron's golden treasures shine 
From out her greenest bowers.

"For them, for them, but not for me, 
Their fruits I may not eat; 
Not Jordan's stream, nor yon bright sea, 
Shall lave my pilgrim feet.

"'T is well, 't is well, my task is done, 
Since Israel's sons are blest; 
Father, receive thy dying one 
To thy eternal rest!"

Alone he bade the world farewell, 
To God his spirit fled. 
Now to your tents, oh! Israel, 
And mourn your prophet dead!


"Worthy is the Lamb that was slain."—Rev. v. 22

ALL hail to thee! All hail to thee! 
Thou Lamb enthroned in glory; 
We'll praise thee through eternity, 
And cast our crowns before thee.

No more the helpless babe who slept 
In Bethlehem's lowly manger, 
Nor Man of sorrows, he who wept, 
On earth a lonely stranger.

MRS. GRAY.  157

No thorny crown is round thy brow, 
No more in anguish bleeding,
Angelic hosts before thee bow,
But not for mercy pleading. 

Thy blood-bought flock all safely rest
Within thy fold in heaven;
Their happy souls for ever blest,
Their many sins forgiven.

All hail to thee! All hail to thee! 
Thou Lamb enthroned in glory,
We'll praise thee through eternity,
And cast our crowns before thee!


Is a native of the north of Ireland, but came in early youth to this country.  The modest and beautiful flower of her poetical genius, (which might be called a sensitive plant, so shrinkingly fearful it is of being brought into notice,) belongs therefore to America, though the seeds of it were sown in "the green isle" of her childhood.  Her father's name was William Lewers; he resided in Castle-blayney, where she was born about the year 1800.  On her mother's side, she is connected with Sir Thomas Browne, a Major-General in the Honourable East India Company, and other distinguished officers in the British army.  On her father's side, she claims relationship with several of the warrior-patriots of the American Revolution.  Her husband, Dr. John Gray, is, and has been for more than twenty-five years, pastor of the first Presbyterian church in Easton, Pennsylvania.  Their residence is situated among the beautiful and romantic scenes that surround the "Forks of the Delaware;" scenes well calculated to inspire poetry, and foster devotional feeling in those who look "through Nature up to Nature's God."

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