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Come to me, Love; my heart can never doubt thee,
Yet for thy sweet companionship I pine;
Oh, never more can joy be joy without thee,
My pleasures, even as my life, are thine;
Come to me, Love!


Go, dearest one, nor think my heart
Will ever breathe a sigh, 
Because it never more may share
Thy glorious destiny,
My love has never sought reward,
'T was joy enough for me
To dwell within my solitude,
And cherish thoughts of thee.

While yet a child I freely gave
Affection's untold wealth,
Since then I've seen the swift decay
Of hope, and joy, and health,
Yet murmured not at Heaven's decree,
Though thus of all bereft,
While thou, beloved, wert at my side,
A world of bliss was left.

Though other ties thy soul may bind,
Though we are doomed to part,
Yet still it is no sin to hide
Thine image in my heart;
So sweet, so holy was the spell
By Love around me cast,
That even now I would not wake,
Although the charm be past.

Within thy memory by-past days
Will leave a pleasant trace,