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O, cast the mantle of thy presence o'er me!
Beloved, leave me not so deeply lone!
Come back to me, my child!

Upon that breast of pitying love thou leanest,
Which oft on earth did pillow such as thou,
Nor turn'd away petitioner the meanest--
Pray to Him, sinless-- He will hear thee now.
Plead for thy weak and broken-hearted mother;
Pray that thy voice may whisper words of peace,
Her ear is deaf, and can discern no other;
Speak, and her bitter sorrowings shall cease:
Come back to me, my child!

Come but in dreams-- let me once more behold thee,
As in thy hours of buoyancy and glee,
And one brief moment in my arms enfold thee--
Beloved, I will not ask thy stay with me!
Leave but the impress of thy dove-like beauty,
Which memory strives so vainly to recall,
And I will onward in the path of duty,
Restraining tears that ever fain would fall!
Come but in dreams, my child!


I MISS thee each lone hour,
Star of my heart!
No other voice hath power
Joy to impart.

I listen for thy hasty step,
Thy kind sweet tone;
But silence whispers me,
Thou art alone!