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In 1846, she became the wife of the Rev. A. D. Mayo, a minister of the Universalist persuasion, in Gloucester, Massachusetts, where she resided until her death, which took place after a brief illness, on the 9th of July 1848.  It is said that "her character was a model of Christian excellence;" and her poems are marked by an elevation of thought, a directness of expression, and a purity and tenderness of feeling, which are altogether in harmony with such an encomium.


BE firm! whatever tempts thy soul
To loiter ere it reach its goal,
Whatever syren voice would draw
Thy heart from duty and its law,
Oh that distrust!  Go bravely on,
And, till the victor-crown be won,
Be firm!

Firm when thy conscience is assailed,
Firm when the star of hope is veiled,
Firm in defying wrong and sin,
Firm in life's conflict, toil and din,
Firm in the path by martyrs trod,–
And oh, in love to man and God
Be firm!


AY, truly, dearest, thou art form'd to guide,
To guide, to shelter, to uphold and bless,
And I can walk with brave heart at thy side
Safe in thy spirit's strength and tenderness.

Thine eye, so clear, the dim way can discern,
No track in life looks doubtful unto thee,
Oh, let me take thy hand, and meekly learn
The way of duty, sometimes dark to me.


Thy mind is like a torch that through the gloom
Sheds a clear brightness where our feet should tread;
O blessed lot, from altar to the tomb,
By hand and heart so steadfast to be led!


LO! on the mountain's brow
One point of gleaming light!
And thither climbest thou,
With eye and spirit bright.
Ay, thou at least shalt stand
In all that golden glow,
A sceptre shining in thy hand
To rule the world below.

Oh use that sceptre well!
Not as a spear to smite,
But like a wand of mighty spell
To serve the cause of Right!
If thou win power, do good!
If Fame, deserve thy meed!
If Wealth, oh, pour it like a flood
O'er all this world of need!


I PRAYED for Beauty—for the magic spell
That binds the wisest with its potent thrall;
That I within fond human hearts might dwell,
And shine the fairest in the festal hall.
I would have seen the lordliest bend the knee,
The loveliest bow, o'er-dazzled by my charms;
While he I long had vainly loved—ah, HE,
Subdued, should clasp me fondly in his arms!

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