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But Beauty o'er my spirit waved her wing,
Yet shed no brightness on my form or face;
And passing years but darker shadows fling
Upon the cheek where care hath left its trace.
My prayer, if heard in heaven, hath been denied;
No heart bows humbly 'neath my beauty's sway;
and he I loved now seeks a fairer bride,
With brighter blushes and a smile more gay.

I pray'd for Riches. Oh! for lavish wealth, 
To pour in golden showers on those I loved––
I would have gladly spent my youth and health,
Could I, by gifts like these, my love have proved.
I pray'd for Riches, that before God's shrine
I might with gifts and costly tributes kneel; 
And thought the treasures of Golconda's mine
Too poor to show the fervour of my zeal.

Alas! wealth came not––and the liberal deeds
My heart devised, my hand must fail to do;
And though o'er prostrate truth my spirit bleeds,
In vain the aid of magic gold I woo.
The poor may plead to me for daily food,
And those I love in lowly want may pine;
I will pour out for them my heart's warm blood,––
But other gifts than this can ne'er be mine.

I pray'd for Genius––for the power to move
Hard hearts, and reckless minds, and stubborn wills;
To execute the holy deeds of love,
And light Truth's fires upon a thousand hills.
I pray'd for Eloquence to plead the cause
Of human rights and God's eternal grace;
To cry aloud o'er Mercy's outraged laws,
And speed the great redemption of my race. 


But all in vain. My feeble tongue can breathe
No portion of the fire that burns within;
In vain my fancy vivid thoughts may wreathe
In scorching flames to vanquish human sin.
Powerless my words upon the air float by,
And wrong and crime disdain the weak crusade;
While vice gleams on me its exultant eye,
And bids me show the conquests I have made.

I pray'd for Peace––for strength to bear
The keen privations of my humble fate;
For patient faith to struggle with despair,
And shed a brightness o'er my low estate.
I pray'd to be content with humble deeds,
With "widows' mites" and scanty charities;
To follow meekly where my duty leads,
Though through the lowliest vale of life it lies.

This prayer was answer'd; for a peace divine
Spread through the inmost depths of all my heart;
I felt that same blessed lot was mine
Which fell on her who chose the better part.
What though the world abroad ne'er hears my name?
What though no chains upon weak hearts I bind?
It is a lot happier lot than wealth or fame,
To do my duty with a willing mind!


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-29 15:15:06