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make a pencil sketch of the cellar plan also of the first and second floors, so that we can study out the size and arrangement of the rooms before you make working drawings.

Your sketches have been seen by several of my friends, artists and architects, and they are all greatly pleased with them. My brother Watson is getting the house fever, and he and his wife have expressed themselves as much pleased with the designs for Will’s house.

I dislike to hurry you after having kept the sketches so long, but if you can [[strikethrough]] hurry [[/strikethrough]] hasten the information asked for herein, I shall be very much obliged, as we should like to begin the erection of the house as soon as the frost leaves the ground, and I should like to see the sketches of the ground plans before you make any further details. 

With personal regards,

Yours very truly,
C.L. Freer

P.S. Where did you find the beautiful grey paper used for your water color sketch? and can you tell me how I can secure a few sheets of it?

Please arrange for double windows for north and west elevation first floor. Some sort of storm door will be needed at front of house for winter use.

Have had changes in ventilation pasted over original drawing as shown on blue print.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-08 10:27:32