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February 1, 1894.

Mr. M.S. Frost,
c/o Northwestern Equipment Co.,
1022 Monadnock B’d’g, Chicago, Ill.

Dear Sir:

Your letter of 29th ult. is received and carefully noted. Our loan to you had run an unreasonable length of time and after the correspondence and interviews had with you I saw but one course open to us, and that was to sell the collateral. I did so and secured the highest price available, and I can see no reason in the world why we should lose $1,333.67 in accommodating you with a loan made strictly for the sake of giving you financial aid at a time when you said to me you could not get it elsewhere. Your proposition that we should return the note to you cancelled and lose $1,333.67 we must respectfully decline. If you prefer, send us draft on New York for 6,883.67 by return mail, and we will gladly purchase the stock and send same with cancelled note to you.

Yours truly,

Peninsular Car Co.,
C.L. Freer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-08 10:29:33