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Feb. 10, 1894.

Dear Mansfield:

Your favor inclosing Mr. Shugio’s letter reached me last evening. Your suggestion that I should send on my prints is a good one, and I have done so to-day. They were forwarded by American Express to your residence and should be with you early Monday next. After Shugio shall have passed upon them, I would be pleased to know his opinion and of course your own also, particularly concerning the one by Outamaro on slivered paper with green umbrella. There is another figure on horseback which I think is genuine. 

Am very much rushed to-day and therefore compelled to dictate this hasty note. 

Yours very truly,
C.L. Freer 

Mr. Howard Mansfield,
21 West 36th St.,
New York.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-08 10:48:02