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March 5, 1894.

Mr. C. A. Clark,
Ass’t Treas’r, Northern Pac. R.R. Co.,
St. Paul, Minn.

Dear Sir:

I have your favor of March 1 and sincerely regret that it is now impossible for me to go to St. Paul and take up the matter with Mr. Pearce. Fate seems to be against me in all my visions to reach your city. At present, both Messrs. Hecker and W. C. McMillan are absent, so in no event could I go until their return, which will be some time during April or May. Under [[?]]ll [[?]] circumstances, I think the better plan would be to write Mr. Pearce fully the facts in the case, which I will do some day this week, with the hope of adjusting the matter by correspondence instead of by a personal visit as was originally intended.

Yours truly,
C. L. Freer

Transcription Notes:
2 [[?]]s, too many to be marked for completion, pls fill in ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-08 15:30:05