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March 8, 1894.

Dear Thayer:

Your note of Feb. 28, also Mrs. Thayer’s favor of the same date were duly received, and I was much pleased to learn that you were willing to permit the “Sitting Figure” to eventually go to the Heckers. To-day I have your telegram reading, “Sitting Figure suddenly so good artists urge exhibit Academy. May I do so, and shall I call it sold? Answer immediately.” In reply I at once wired you, “Mr. Hecker changed his route, now in Egypt. Cannot hear from him for perhaps two weeks yet. Think he will take picture but am not certain. No objection to exhibiting it. Congratulations on success.”

In writing Mr. Hecker about the “Sitting Figure” I addressed him at Naples, but before the receipt of my letter he changed his plans and unexpectedly went to Egypt. He is now traveling on the Nile and is not expected to return to Alexandria until about the 20th of March, where my letter will reach him and he will promptly cable reply. The moment I hear from him I will communicate with you. Mrs. Hecker is very anxious to have the picture, and is willing of course to wait until you shall have had all the time you require for the finishing touches. Of course there is no objection to your exhibiting the picture at the Academy. 

Now as to your offering it for sale, I can only say that it seems best to me that you should use your own judgment, and if a satisfactory buyer appears before I hear from Mr. Hecker, why I should say let the picture go and by and by start another for the Heckers. However, you will know best what to do, and I can assure you that whatever action you take, all will be satisfactory here. 

I am extremely busy to-day and cannot write, so have dictated this letter to you, which I must ask you to accept in the proper spirit.

With kind regards to all,

Yours very truly,
C. L. Freer

Mr. A. H. Thayer,
Scarborough-on-the-Hudson, N.Y.

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