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April 11, 1894.

Dear Jordan:

Yours of 6th inst. is at hand, but I omitted to dictate reply until after banking hours so I cannot send you cost of those roses you so kindly sent to Mrs. Hecker for me until to-morrow, when the matter will be surely attended to.

When you get the proofs from Mr. Bauer, will you kindly have them sent to Mr. D. W. Tryon, 226 West 59th St., New York, for his signature. Afterwards they can go to Kingsley for his signature, and then you must select an impression for yourself.

Yours very truly,
C. L. Freer

Mr. J. H. Jordan,
The Max Williams Co.,
306 Fifth Ave., New York.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-09 10:34:56