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April 26, 1894.

Mr. Howard Mansfield,
35 Wall St., New York.

Dear Mansfield:

I desire to remit Col. Hecker the value of $4,285.00 in French funds and should like to have the remittance go forward on next Saturday’s steamer, if possible. He prefers to have drafts on Drexel, Harjes & Co. of Paris, and these can only be gotten from Drexel, Morgan & Co. of your city, and I take the liberty of inclosing herewith check on the Lincoln Nat. Bank of New York City, payable to the order of Drexel, Morgan & Co., for $4,285.00. Will you do me the favor to exchange same at Drexel, Morgan & Co.’s for its value on Drexel, Harjes & Co. of Paris and forward same direct to Mr. Hecker care of Drexel, Harjes & Co., 31 Boulevard Haussmann, Paris. As I shall reach New York too late on Saturday to attend to this myself, I feel free to trouble you with it. 

Accept my thanks for your kind telegram of this morning. Shall be very happy to spend next Saturday evening with yourself and Dewing at your house if business I have in hand for Saturday afternoon is finished in time. I have arranged for a meeting at the Hotel Brunswick at 3 o’ clock on an important matter, and it may take all the afternoon and evening. If I cannot be with you, I will send you word at your house not later than eight o’ clock.

Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer

Transcription Notes:
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