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July 20, 1894.

Dear Will:

Your letter of 19th inst. is received and fully noted. The contract with Dederick and Longyear seems to me all right. 

Now as to the plumbing. I [[strikethrough]] will [[/strikethrough]] give that to Le[[?]] provided you give him the hot water as well. By this I mean that it seems to me it would be better to have the party who does the plumbing also put in the hot water apparatus. The Gurney heater I know by reputation, and it is considered an excellent device. The United States Heater Co. is a consolidation of several old manufacturers, including the Bolton Co., who you will remember made the heater in my house, but since the consolidation they have practically abandoned work in Detroit. Of course, if you would prefer to have [[?]] do some of the work, you may let him have the plumbing and Longyear the heating. Suit yourself, and I shall be entirely satisfied.

I am sorry that Causino was misled by some enemy and brought back to Detroit. I will drop him a line and ask him to come here for a settlement. Have you any charges against him to be deducted from his final pay? Let me know promptly, please, so the matter can be straightened out.

As you know, the Detroit races are now on and I supposed you would be here this year but presume your harvesting prevented. The races are said to be very good, but as yet I have not attended. Shall probably go to-morrow, the last day.

As requested, I am pleased to inclose herewith draft on New York payable to your order for $400.00.

A telegram received to-day from Watson from Phoenicia states they are enjoying their trip very much and are gradually working their way to Stamford. I think the change has been a very good one for him.