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July 25, 1894.

Dear Dewing:-

Yours of the 23, came this morning and reached me probably at about the same time that my letter of last Sunday should have reached you.

As named in my last letter the Rossettis came safely and I am very glad to have them. Yesterday I received from Dodd, Mead & Company eleven more of the Rosseti [[Rossetti]] manuscript which I hope to purchase. They are an extremely interesting lot.

As per your request I have carefully investigated the train service between Boston and Decatur. There is but one train running through sleeping cars and that does not go over the Boston and Albany, it runs via the [[strikethrough]] Pittsburg [[/strikethrough]] Fitchburg Railroad. Leaves Boston at 3 P.M.; Greenfield at 6-37 P.M., thence via the West Shore & Michigan Central to Detroit and Wabash Railroad to Decatur where it arrives at 3-50 the second morning. In order for your friend to take this route she will have to leave Windsor at 4-05 P.M. arrive at Greenfield at 6-20 P.M., leave Greenfield via [[strikethrough]] Pittsburg [[/strikethrough]] Fitchburg at 6-37 P.M., arrive at Detroit noon the next day, Toledo 3 P.M., Decatur 3-50 the second morning. It does not strike me as a very comfortable route; let me suggest that she leave Windsor 12-15 noon, arrive at Springfield 3-30 P.M., leave Springfield via North Shore Limited over the Boston & Albany at 4-44 P.M., arrive in Detroit 8-20 A.M., leave Detroit 3-30 P.M. via Wabash, arrive in Decatur 4-05 the next morning. It would make the trip much easier and give her a chance to break the journey at Detroit.

I enclose herewith a Wabash folder showing the route she would take from Detroit. Of course the route from Windsor to Detroit you can explain to her fully.

I appreciate very much your invitation to visit Windsor and

Transcription Notes:
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