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July 27, 1894.

Mr. C. M. Hobbs,
Pur. Ag’t Denver & Rio Grande R.R.
Denver, Colo.

Dear Sir:- 

In reply to your telegram of the 25th inst. I wired you as follows:-

“Party representing himself as C. M. Hobbs, Purchasing Agent, in hands of our Police Department. He attempted to obtain money fraudulently. He is slightly built, about five feet eight inches tall, weighing about 140 pounds, dark eyes, black hair, full beard closely trimmed. Will do everything possible to have him prosecuted and write particulars as requested.”

Which I now confirm.

During the forenoon of last Wednesday our office received a telephone message from the Michigan Electrical Company of this city asking if anyone in our office was acquainted with Mr. C. M. Hobbs of Denver. The matter was referred to me, and I of course said I knew Mr. Hobbs very well and inquired if he was in town—back came the reply stating that he was at the office of the Michigan Electrical Company and desired to have a draft for $50.00 cashed. This struck me as very peculiar, because, I felt confident that Mr. Hobbs would not visit Detroit without calling upon me, and furthermore that if anything had happened to make it necessary for him to have funds he would not go to a stranger for them. Accordingly I asked for a description of the party who claimed to be Mr. Hobbs. The reply was such as to convince me that someone was misrepresenting himself and attempting to do Mr. Hobbs an injury. Further investigation showed that this man had presented at the office of the Michigan Electrical Company a telegram sent by the Seimans and Halske Electrical Company, also another telegram signed O.W. Mysenberg, President of Wells and French Car Company. Requesting the payment of [[?]] to Mr. [[?]] Inasmuch as the Michigan Electrical Company was acquaint-

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