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Sept. 11, 1894.

Dear Mr. Macbeth:

I have your valued letter of the 7th inst. and thank you for the trouble you have taken in looking up Mr. Babbott. I should like very much indeed to meet Mr. Babbott and hope that I can have the pleasure on either Thursday or Friday afternoon or evening of next week, that is, the 20th or 21st inst. My intention is to sail on Saturday, the 22nd, at noon, and to arrive in New York on Thursday afternoon at about half-past two o’ clock. I shall have my banking to look after, and I have already been forced to accept several invitations for different hours. Under these circumstances I wonder if Mr. Babbott could kindly meet me at your store at five o’ clock on either Thursday or Friday afternoon. Thursday would suit my convenience very much better. I am extremely sorry that other engagements prevent my inviting both Mr. Babbott and yourself to dine with me on that evening, as something of this sort would suit me very much better than a hurried thirty or forty five minutes, which seems to be practically all the unoccupied time I shall have before sailing.

With kindest regards,

Yours very truly,
C. L. Freer

Mr. Wm. Macbeth, 
237 Fifth Ave.,
New York.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-10 10:11:51