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Dec. 17/95.

Dear Will:

I went to Chicago on Thursday night last and returned here this morning. I spent an entire four days in threshing out the C. & N.W. matter, and succeeded in securing contract for all the cars they bought, viz., 150 refrigerators and 400 ore cars – delivery to be made prior to April 1. Later the ore car order will be increased probably 50 more cars. The story of this transaction is too long and personal for a letter, but I will give you full particulars when you return. The prices at which we get these cars are very close cost, and if all of our work were taken on this basis, we could not earn office rent let alone interest on bonds and dividends on stock. I think however when you know the full particulars you will agree with me that it was wise to handle the matter as I did. 

In reply to your note of the 15th I am glad to say that everything here is moving along smoothly. McBride handles the helm first rate, and I know of nothing to call me away from here for some time to come, therefore do not think of returning on account of business. If anything should occur to make it important for you to be here, I will promptly telegraph you.

I am very glad to know that Mrs. McMillan is passing so bravely and safely through her present difficulties. 

With personal regards,

Yours very truly,
C. L. Freer

We cut our figures on the “Clover Leaf” cars to $5.00 profit including forge and foundry profits, but even then lost the contract. It was given to St. Charles, who I think had a strong inning from the beginning. It is now rumored that the Lake Shore will soon buy 1,000 coal cars. It now looks as if we would get the 500 New Haven coal. Hope for a favorable answer some day this week.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-11 08:34:20