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Jan. 25/96.

Capt. Cornelius Gardener,
Fort Wayne, Detroit.

My dear Capt. Gardener:

I was too ill last night to go down to the Club as I had intended, so I beg to inclose herewith menu card and wine list for the Witenagemote dinner.  I suggest that yourself and Dr. Devendorf arrange with Mr. Byer of the Hotel Ste. Claire for the wines.  How would it be to have first a good strong cocktail, then California Sauterne and California Claret, also whiskey and lithia for those who desire it.  Should not a keg of beer also be on tap?

I am called to New York to-night but hope to return the latter part of next week.
Yours faithfully,
Charles L. Freer

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-11 09:20:34