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Feb. 18/96.

Fateh Lal Mehta,
Oodeypore, Rajputana, India.

My dear Friend:

Some weeks ago I received the package of photographs which you so kindly sent and would have acknowledged their receipt earlier but for the fact that of late I have been almost constantly away from Detroit. Yesterday I received your very interesting letter of Jan. 21 and was very glad to know of your meeting with Col. and Miss Hecker. In the same mail came a letter from Col. Hecker saying that Oodeypore had impressed him more favorably than any other place in India. How fortunate you are to have your lines cast in such charming surroundings!

Your kindly offer to look after the comfort of Mr. Rogers, should he finally reach Oodeypore, is another kindness for which I am under obligations to you. The only way I can ever hope to return your courtesies will be by showing you something of America when you finally reach our country, which I trust will not be too far in the future.

Be good enough to return to His Highness the Maharana my appreciation of his kindly remembrances. If at any time I can be of service to His Highness, yourself, or any of your friends, do not fail to command me. 

Wishing you much happiness, I remain, 

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer

The photographs are very beautiful and I am delighted to have them. 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-20 13:18:02