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May 2/96.

Mr. J. L. Smyser,  (Personal)
Pres’t, Ohio Falls Car Co.,
Jeffersonville, Ind.

My dear Sir:

Your valued letter of 30th ult. was received this morning. In reply I beg to say that since seeing you I have given a great deal of attention to the matter in which we are mutually interested. I feel that important progress has already been made, and I now hope to call a meeting in New York one week from next Tuesday. I have changed the place of meeting from Detroit to New York after more mature deliberation and after consultation with others interested. I do this because I now believe less notice would be taken of our presence in New York than any other place. I will advise you more definitely later, naming place for the meeting in New York.

Thanking you for your good wishes and with personal regards,

I remain,

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-11 16:25:42