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May 9/96.

Mr. Wilson Eyre, Jr.,
927 Chestnut St.,
Philadelphia, Pa.

My dear Mr. Eyre:

I have your letter of 7th inst. and must confess to having forgotten that you required the points of the compass. Inclosed herewith I send you a free-hand sketch, (a la Whistler!) which will give you the desired information.

Personally I still hold to my original plan for making the rear of the house front Albany Ave. However, before authorizing you to work with this in view I will write to my sister and ask her to let me know at once whether or not she will live in a house so built. Woman-like she is in a terrific hurry to begin building, so if you wish to keep her away from Philadelphia you better hustle the thing along after I shall have written you her wishes.

Hastily and truly yours,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-12 10:22:30