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June 27/96.

Mr. E. D. North,
C/o Chas. Scribner’s Sons,
Fifth Ave., bet. 21st and 22nd St., New York.

My dear Sir:

Just prior to my recent trip to New York, Mrs. Col. Hecker telephoned me and asked if I would not kindly select while in New York a book to be presented by her to Col. Hecker as a birth-day gift. I called at your store one afternoon for the purpose of buying this book, but it was late in the day, you had gone home, and others were just leaving, so I postponed the matter until the next day, when unfortunately I did not find time to repeat the call.

Will you do me the kindness therefore to make a selection of three or four books deemed by you suitable for the purpose and send them to Mrs. Frank J. Hecker, Mackinac Island, Mich., under personal cover to her, also memorandum invoice of same so that she can make selection. I deemd [[deemed]] better to have then sent to her so as to be sure of their reaching her in time, as I understand Mr. Hecker’s birth-day occurs next week.

Your personal and prompt attention will oblige both Mrs. Hecker and myself.

Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer. 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-12 12:39:23