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June 29/96.

Mr. W.M. Wilson, 
909 Havemeyer Building, 
New York.

My dear Mr. Wilson:

On receipt of your esteemed telegram of 25th inst. in reference to 300 B.R. & P. coal cars I wired Mr. Merchant but as yet am without reply. This strikes me strangely because of the fact that I have known Mr. Merchant pretty well for a number of years and have sold him, first and last, a good many cars, and I am inclined to think that the relations between the coal people who control his property and the coal people who control the Union Car Co. are of such an amicable nature that figures from us are not wanted. Still, the opposite may be true and I may hear from Mr. Merchant later. In the mean time, if anything of interest concerning the matter reaches you, will you be good enough to send it to me and oblige,

Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer 

P.S. Mr. Kendrick of St. Paul dropped in on me Saturday afternoon and spent the entire evening with me. He told me your message concerning Japanese prints, and he seemed to derive a great deal of pleasure from them. He is a fine man and I hope to see him here more frequently in the future.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-12 12:42:43