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July 7/96.

Mr. Wilson Eyre, Jr., 
927 Chestnut St.,
Philadelphia, Pa.

My dear Mr. Eyre:

One of my brothers has kindly interested himself in the house to be built for my sister and he expects to look after the details of same. In a recent letter he writes me suggesting that in making the specifications the following provisions be made:

That the floor timbers be 3” thick instead of 2” as usual;

That the corners of all rooms be double-studded so that lath can be nailed solidly;

That window and door openings be braced as per sketch herewith;

Also that the flooring in hall should be of Oak and that the balance of the floors should be of southern pine the usual width but sawed straight grained.

Will you be good enough to bear these items in mind when preparing the specifications.

I now expect to be in New York Monday afternoon the 13th inst. and all of the 14th inst. Will stop at the Holland House, after which I intend to take a ten days’ outing along the New England coast. Should you have the details ready for examination on the 14th, I will be very glad to see them in New York. Will you be good enough to drop me a line to the Holland House, say on Friday or Saturday next stating the condition the work will then be in and oblige,

Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-12 12:49:15