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Sept. 15/96.

Mr. Syed Bahadwe Shah,
Curiosity Dealer and Merchant,
Mochi Gate, Lahore, Punjab, India.

Dear Sir:

I have your postal card of Aug. 12 and am glad to know that you kept my address and also remembered your promise to let me know if you received any additional genuine old Pashmina engraved stones. Will you be good enough to send me a description of the ones you now have and also state the price of each. As you know, I do not care for any of the modern engraved stones. I want only genuine old ones.

At present I do not care to purchase any Cabul stamps. I know of their rarity but they do not interest me as much as the stones do.

Awaiting your reply, I remain,

Yours faithfully,
Charles L. Freer 

Be good enough to address your reply to my residence, 33 Ferry Ave., Detroit, Michigan, United States of America.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-13 09:13:07