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Jan. 10, 1894. 

Dear Dewing:

Colonel Hecker will sail for Europe via the French line, steamer “Gascoigne”, on Saturday morning next at nine o’ clock. I thought perhaps you would like to go down to the steamer and say good bye to him. If you care to go down, will you kindly invest the inclosed draft in good cigars and present them with my compliments, or if you do not go to the steamer, kindly have the cigars sent to the ship with the inclosed card.

I am in a great rush to-day closing up matters with the Colonel. Will write you further in a day or two.

Yours very truly,

Mr. T. W. Dewing, 
3 No. Washington Sq.,
New York.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-07 13:54:17