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Jan. 15, 1894.

Mr. E.G. Kennedy,
H. Wunderlich & Co.,
868 Broadway, New York.

Dear Sir:

Your letter of 9th inst., also package containing the four lithographs by Whistler were duly received. I have kept one copy each of the “Red House, Lannion”, and the “House in Green and Yellow”. The other two lithographs have been returned to you by express this day.

Answering your letter, I am absolutely positive that the impression of the “Red House” returned by me to you some time ago was not the one originally sent me on approval. There were certain differences which I clearly and positively remember, and in writing you as I did, I simply told you the truth in plain language. Should not carelessness of this kind be corrected by you and instead of being indignant at what you call an accusation, should you not cheerfully attempt to correct such errors in future? The print business differs not from other lines of legitimate business, and if you are to feel injured because your customers simply ask that they receive the goods actually selected, why I shall hereafter send my orders to such firms as are willing to deliver exactly what I purchase.

In this connection, permit me to call your attention to the fact that you have not as yet offered any explanation regarding the failure on your part to deliver the “Green and Yellow House” originally selected by me.

Yours truly,
C.L. Freer 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-07 14:04:51