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Office Asst. Supt. Freedmen &c Austin Texas Nov 25" 1865 Brig Gen'l E.M Gregory Gen'l I have the honor to make the following report for the month of November 1865. I have no Abandoned Lands or confiscated property of any kind in my hands. The freedmen are all supporting themselves so far, consequently I have no report to make of Rations issued. There are three schools in operation here. (150) one hundred & fifty Scholars in all. I have been somewhat at a loss to know what to do with Orphan Minors, there being no apprenticeship law in the State. When I find Orphan Minors who are old enough to earn wages, I have hired them for next year. And the children who are too young to earn a support, I have appointed their former masters Guardians until further orders. The freedmen are doing very well in this County Many of them have already contracted for next year. Contracts are coming in rapidly. Many of the Freedmen are renting land of
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Reopened for Editing 2023-05-30 12:10:01