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Office Superintendent of Instruction
For Refugees and Freedmen, State of Texas.
Galveston, January 31st, 1866.

Brig. Gen'l. E.M. Gregory
Ass't Commr. Bureau R.F. & A L. Texas

General: - 

I have the honor to report, that up to date there have been organized in this State twenty Six schools for Freedmen, under the instruction of fourteen Teachers, with a total attendance of sixteen hundred and ninety one pupils.

Twelve of the Schools are evening schools and fourteen are day schools.

These schools are wholly self-sustaining, the Teachers being supported by a monthly tuition fee of one dollar an a half from each scholar.  This is paid with general promptness, and suffices to sustain the schools. 

The Teachers are effective and competent, the Scholars orderly, studious and attentive.

Nothing can be more cheering than the extraordinary thirst for information which the