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Report of Clerks on duty in the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, State of Texas, in the Month of February, 1868.

[[8 Columned Table]]
| No. | Name. | Station. | Appointment. Date of | Appointment. To Take Effect. | Date of Oath of Office. | Duty. | Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1 | Enon M. Harris, | Columbus, | July 24, 1866. | July 24, 1866. | May 23, 1867. | Sub - Asst. Comr. | Appt. Revoked to Date Feb 29, 1868. | 

| 2 | James Lowrie | Jasper, | Sept. 25, 1866. | Sept. 25, 1866. | June 3, 1867. | Sub - Asst. Comr. |   | 

| 3 | Alex. Ferguson | Nacogdoches, | July 11, 1867, | May 1, 1867. | June 3, 1867. | Sub - Asst. Comr. |   | 

| 4 | Leonidas Greenleaf | Marshall, | July 11, 1867. | July 1, 1867. | Aug. 9, 1867. | Clerk to Sub Asst. Comr. |    |

| 5 | Charles Schmidt, | Houston, | Oct. 18, 1867. | Oct. 16, 1867. | Nov. 6, 1867. | Clerk to Sub Asst. Comr. |   | 

| 6 | Wm. A. Smith, | Austin, | Nov. 6, 1867. | Oct. 1, 1867. | Nov. 19, 1867. | Clerk to A.A.Q.M. & D.O. |   |

| 7 | John M. Murch, | Austin, | Jan. 23, 1868. | Jan. 1, 1868. | June 1, 1867. | Chief Clerk to D.O. |   |

Austin, Texas.
February 29, 1868.

J. J. Reynolds
Bvt. Maj. Gen. U.S.A.
Asst. Commissioner,
State of Texas.

Transcription Notes:
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