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[[8 columned table]]
| No. | Name. | Station | Appointment Date of | Appointment to take Effect. | Date of Oath of Office | Duty. | Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 23 | John M. Murch | Austin. | March 26, 1868. | March 1, 1868. | June 1, 1867 | Chief Clerk to D.O. |   |

| 24 | Thos. C. Griffin | Kaufman. | March 25, 1868. | March 4, 1868. | March 4, 1868. | Sub-Asst. Comr. |   |

| 25 | A.H. Cox | Liberty. | March 18, 1868. | March 7, 1868. | March 7, 1868. | Sub-Asst. Comr. |   |

| 26 | Joseph Welch | Austin. | March 12, 1868. | March 21, 1868. | March 21, 1868. | Supt. of Schools. |   |

| 27 | F.P. Wood | Brenham | March 31, 1868. | March 21, 1868. | March 21, 1868. | Sub-Asst. Comr. |   |

Austin, Texas.
March 31, 1868.

J.J. Reynolds
Bvt. Maj. Gen. U.S.A.,
Asst. Commissioner,
State of Texas.