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Report of Changes Among Officers and Agents of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, in the State of Texas, for the month ending June 30, 1868.

[[9 columned table]]
| No. | Name. | Rank. | Command. | Authority Assigning to Duty. | When Joined | Duty Performed. | Authority Relieving from Duty. | Station. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1 | Clarence Mauck | Bvt. Maj. | 4th Cav. |   |   | Sub-Asst. Comr. | Having been relieved by Dist. Hd Qurs. from Com'd of Post. | Austin, Travis Co. |

| 2 | A.G .Malloy | 1st Lieut. | 35th Inft. |   |   | Sub-Asst. Comr. | Having been relieved by Dist. Hd Qurs. from Com'd of Post. | Marshall, Harrison Co. |

| 3 |J.C. Conner | Captain | 41st Inft. |   |   | Sub-Asst. Comr. | Having been relieved by Dist. Hd Qurs. from Com'd of Post. | Fort Inge, Uvalde Co. |

| 4 | J.H. Bradford | Captain | 26th Inft. |   |   | Sub-Asst. Comr. | Having been relieved by Dist. Hd Qurs. from Com'd of Post. | Rio Grande City, Starr Co. |

| 1 | Wm H. Stewart | Civilian |   | S.O. 36 Hd Qurs. Bu. R.F. &c. Tex., June 10, 1868. | June 11, 1868 | Sub-Asst. Comr. |   | Huntsville, Walker Co. |

| 2 | E. Gay  |Bvt. Lt. Col. | 17th Inft. | Circ. 3, Hd Qurs. District of Texas, Feb 1, 1867. | June 23, 1868. | Sub-Asst.Comr. |   | Austin, Travis Co. |

| 3 | T.M.K. Smith | Captain | 26th Inft. | Circ. 3, Hd Qurs. District of Texas, Feb 1, 1867. | June 1868. | Sub-Asst. Comr. |   | Marshall, Harrison Co. |

| 4 | D. M. Sills | Captain | 41st Inft. | Circ. 3, Hd Qurs. District of Texas, Feb 1, 1867. | June 9, 1868 | Sub-Asst. Comr. |   | Fort Inge, Uvalde Co. |

| 5 | James F. Grimes | Bvt. Lt. Col. | 26th Inft. | Circ. 3, Hd Qurs. District of Texas, Feb 1, 1867. | June 1868 | Sub-Asst. Comr. |   | Rio Grand City, Starr Co. |

Station — Austin, Texas.
Date — June 30, 1868.
J.J. Reynolds
Bvt. Maj. Gen. U.S.A.,
Asst. Commissioner,
State of Texas.

Transcription Notes:
In upper half: Strikethrough in column 4 and column 5 blank In lower half: Strikethrough in column 7 NB: the usual Bureau designation in lower half, column 5 does not seem to include "Abandoned Lands" but rather appears to be a "C" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-07 16:51:31 Bu. R.F. &c = Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen etcetera