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Report of Changes among Officers and Agents of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, in the State of Texas, for the month ending August 31, 1868.

[[9 columned table]]
| No. | Name | Rank | Command | Authority Assigning to Duty | When Joined | Duty Performed | Authority Relieving from Duty | Station |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1 | T.M.K. smith | Captain | 28th Inft. |   |   | Sub. Asst. Comr | Having been relieved by District Hd. Qurs. from Command of Post of Marshall | Marshall, Harrison Co. |

| 1 | Wm. J. Neely | Civilian |   | S.O. 44, Hd. Qurs. Bu. R.F. &c., Tex. July 31, 1868 | Aug. 1, 1868 | Sub. Asst. Comr |   | Victoria, Victoria Co. |

| 2 | Michael Butler | Civilian |   | S.O. 45, Hd. Qurs. Bu. R.F. &c., Tex. Aug. 1, 1868 | Aug. 1, 1868 | Sub. Asst. Comr |   | San Augustine, San Augustine Co. |

| 3 | David J. Beath | Civilian |   | S.O. 46, Hd. Qurs. Bu. R.F. &c., Tex. Aug. 7, 1868 | Aug. 1, 1868 | Sub. Asst. Comr |   | Cotton Gin, Freestone Co. |

| 4 | Thos. H. Browning | Civilian |   | S.O. 50, Hd. Qurs. Bu. R.F. &c., Tex. Aug. 28, 1868 | Aug. 25, 1868 | Sub. Asst. Comr |   | Jasper, Jasper Co. |

| 5 | Henry C. Lacy | Civilian |   | S.O. 50, Hd. Qurs. Bu. R.F. &c., Tex. Aug 28, 1868 | Aug. 25, 1868 | Sub. Asst. Comr |   | Crockett, Houston Co. |

| 6 | Wm. Holt | Civilian |   | S.O. 50, Hd. Qurs. Bu. R.F. &c., Tex. Aug 28, 1868 | Aug. 25, 1868 | Sub. Asst. Comr |   | La Grange, Fayette Co. |

| 7 | Julius Hayden | Bvt. Brig. Gen. | 15th Inft | Circ. 3, Hd. Qurs. District of Texas, Feb. 1, 1867 | Aug. 31, 1868 | Sub. Asst. Comr |   | Marshall, Harrison Co. |

Station - Austin, Texas
Date - August 31, 1868

J.J. Reynolds
Bvt. Maj. Gen'l. U.S.A.
Asst. Commissionerr
State of Texas.