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Report of Changes among Officers and Agents of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, in the State of Texas, for the month ending October 31, 1868.

[[9 columned table]]
| No. | Name. | Rank. | Command. | Authority assigning to duty. | When Joined. | Duty performed. | Authority relieving from duty. | Station. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1 | Wm J. Neely | Civil | ian |   |   | Sub. Asst. Com'r | S.O. 62. Hd Qurs. Bu. of R.,F.& A.L., Texas, Oct. 17, 1868. | Victoria, Victoria Co. |
| 2 | Hiram Clark | Civil | ian |   |   | Sub. Asst. Comr | S.O. 62. Hd Qurs. Bu. of R.,F.& A.L., Texas, Oct. 17, 1868. | Clinton, DeWitt Co. |
| 3 | N.H. Randlett | Civil | ian |   |   | Sub. Asst. Comr | S.O. 62. Hd Qurs. Bu. of R.,F.& A.L., Texas, Oct. 17, 1868. | Bryan City, Brazos Co. |
| 4 | DeWitt C. Brown | Civil | ian |   |   | Sub. Asst. Comr | S.O. 64. Hd Qurs. Bu. of R.,F.& A.L., Texas, Oct. 30, 1868. | Paris, Lamar Co. |
| 5 | L.H. Sanger | Bvt. Major | 17th Inft. |   |   | Sub. Asst. Comr | S.O. 64. Hd Qurs. Bu. of R.,F.& A.L., Texas, Oct. 30, 1868. | Dallas, Dallas Co. |
| 6 | Otto F. Stein Berg | Civil | ian |   |   | Sub. Asst. Comr | S.O. 65. Hd Qurs. Bu. of R.,F.& A.L., Texas, Nov. 2, 1868. | Gonzales, Gonzales Co. |
| 7 | Henry Norton | Bvt. Captain | 17th Inft. |   |   |   | Sub. Asst. Comr | S.O. 60. Hd Qurs. Bu. of R.,F.& A.L., Texas, Oct. 6, 1868. | Dallas, Dallas Co. |
| 8 | Henry Sweeney | 1st Lieut. | 15th Inft. |   |   | Sub. Asst. Comr | S.O. 68. Hd Qurs. Fifth Military District. Oct. 28, 1868. | Marshall, Harrison Co. |  
| 9 | George Lancaster | Captain | 17th Inft. |   |   | Sub-Asst. Com'r. | Having been relieved from command of Post. | Belton, Bell Co. | 
| 10 | T.M.K. Smith | Captain | 26th Inft. |   |   | Sub-Asst. Com'r. | Having been relieved from command of Post. | Woodland, Freestone Co. | 
| 11 | John W. Eckles | Bvt. Major | 35th Inft. |   |   | Sub-Asst. Com'r. | Relieved by Hd Qurs. Fifth Military District. | San Antonio, Bexar Co. |  
| 12 | James Curtis | Bvt. Major | 15th Inft. |   |   | Sub-Asst. Com'r. | Having been relieved from command of Post. | Jefferson, Marion Co. | 
| 13 | Wm G. Kirkman | Civil | ian. |   |   | Sub-Asst. Com'r. | Murdered October 7, 1868. | Boston, Bowie Co. | 

| 1 | Hiram Clark | Civil | ian | S.O. 64. Hd Qurs. Bu. of R., F. & A. L., Texas. Oct. 17, 1868. | Oct. 20, 1868. | Sub-Asst. Com'r. |   | Victoria, Victoria Co. |
| 2 | DeWitt C. Brown | Civil | ian | S.O. 64. Hd Qurs. Bu. of R., F. & A. L., Texas. Oct. 17, 1868. |   | Sub-Asst. Com'r. |   | Dallas, Dallas Co. |   
| 3 | L.H. Sanger | Bvt. Major | 17th Inft. | S.O. 60. Hd Qurs. Bu. of R., F. & A. L., Texas. Oct. 6, 1868. | Oct. 10, 1868. | Sub-Asst. Com'r. |   | Dallas, Dallas Co. | 
| 4 | E.C. Henshaw | 1st Lieut. | 15th Inft. | S.O. 68. Hd Qurs. Fifth Military District, Oct. 28, 1868. |   | Sub-Asst. Com'r. |   | Marshall, Harrison Co. |
| 5 | J.R. Fitch | 1st Lieut. | 35th Inft. | S.O. 70. Hd Qurs. Fifth Military District, Oct. 30, 1868. | Oct. 30, 1868. | Sub-Asst. Com'r. |   | San Antonio, Bexar Co. | 
| 6 | Henry Sweeney | 1st Lieut. | 15th Inft. | Assigned by Head Qurs. Fifth Mil. District |   | Sub-Asst. Com'r. |   | Jefferson, Marion Co. | 
| 7 | Thomas G. Troxel | 1st Lieut. | 17th Inft. | Circ. 3. Head Qurs. Dist. of Texas, Feb. 1, 1867. | October 1868 | Sub-Asst. Com'r. |   | Belton, Bell Co. | 

Station - Austin, Texas. 
Date - October 31, 1868. 

J J Reynolds
Bvt. Maj. Gen. U.S.A., 
Asst. Commissioner,
State of Texas. 

Transcription Notes:
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