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Roster of Officers and Civilians on duty in the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, State of Texas, in the month of March 1869

[[7 columned table]]
| No. | Name | Station | Rank | Command | Duty | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1 | Ed. R. S. Canby, | Austin, | Bvt. Maj. General. | Brig. General. | U.S.A. | Asst. Commissioner |   |
| 2 | Charles A. Vernou. | Austin. |   | 1st Lieutenant.| 4th U. S. Cav. | A.A.A. General | Retired Mar. 31, 1869. |
| 3 | C. S. Roberts | Austin. | Bvt. Captain. | 1st Lieutenant|17th U.S. Inft. | Disbursing Officer. |   | 
| 4 | C. E. Morse | Austin. |   | Captain | 26 U. S. Inft. | Special Duty. |   |

[8 columned table]]
| No. | Name | Station | Appointment, Date of | Appointment, to take effect | Date of Oath of Office | Duty | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 5 | Jos. Welch. | Austin. | Mar. 12, 1868. | Mar. 21, 1868 | Mar. 21, 1868. | Supt. Education. |   |
| 6 | Wm. H. Sinclair | Galveston. | Aug. 19. 1868. | July 16, 1868. | Jan. 10, 1867. | Asst. Supt. Education. |   |
| 7 | Louis W. Stevenson. | Jefferson. | Feb. 3, 1868. | Feb. 6, 1868. | Feb. 6, 1868. | Asst. Supt. Education |   |
| 8 | Charles Haughn. | Nacogdoches. | Mar. 3, 1869. | Feb. 8, 1869. | Feb. 26, 1868. | Asst. Supt. Education. |   |
| 9 | E. C. Bartholomew. | Austin. | Jan. 18, 1868. | Jan. 1, 1868. | Oct. 31, 1866. | Clerk for Asst. Com'r. | 
| 10 | John M. Murch. | Austin. | Mar. 26, 1868. | Mar. 1, 1868. | June 1, 1867 | Clerk for D. O. |   |
| 11 | Henry Orsay. | Austin. | Sept. 22, 1868. | Sept. 1, 1868. | May 12, 1868 | Clerk for D. O. |   |

Austin, Texas.                          
March 31, 1869.                         

Edw Canby
Bvt. Maj. General, U. S. A.
Asst. Commissioner  

Transcription Notes:
*lines beginning with asterisk are continuation of previous line ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-13 09:49:44