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| April 11th | Johnson, Lt. S * Sub Asst Comr. Filed | (54) Sumpter Trinity Co. April 3d. 1867 Acknowledges receipt of official app'tment as S.A.C. and encloses Oath of Office, sworn and subscribed to |

| April 19th | Johnson Lt. S. Sub. Asst. Comr.  EB. (358) J 53 ) | (55) Sumpter Texas  April 11th 1867  States that Jno. F. Moore, J.F. Wortham Wm Cox C.B. Wood, Saml. J. Roll, and C.C. Taleferro, formed themselves into a company of "Lynchers" during the War, and that the murders they have committed are atrocious, that B.F. Harper Chf. Justice of the County belongs to the gang, that all officers and Grand Juries are filled by murderers for mutual protection.  Said Harper will give all he has to kill all the negroes rather than see them going to School. &c &c. |

| April 22 | "Justice"  (See EB P. 361)  Copy sent H.S. Johnson SA Coms Sumper Texas | 56 Ellis Prairie Trinity Co Texas  Feby 19th 1867 Reports that B.F. Harker Chief Justice of Trinity County tried a Freedman named Nelson for 1866. Nelson got 1/2 of all he produced upon the Land he cultivated. Harker induced Nelson to believe he would make 25 Bales of Cotton, and Nelson made an agreement giving Harker 10 Bales. Harker sold him articles at exhorbitant prices. The Crop was 13 Bales leaving Nelson only 3 Bales instead of 6 1/2 at the same time Harker brings him out $186.00 at end of year in debt of articles advanced. States that Nelson intimated he would complain to Bureau. when Harker told him if he did he would Kill him. also states that if something is not done in this case, it will cause a great deal of harm owing to the position occupied by Harker. |

| April 23 | Jacobs Louis H. S.A. Coms (Filed) | 57. Crockett, April 13th 1867 Reports his arrival at Crockett and his entry upon the discharge of his duties as S.A. Coms. |

| Apl 25 | Johnson HS Sub A Coms (See EB Page 369) | 58  Sumpter Tex. Apl 19th 1867 Asks to be supplied with Stationery etc. |

| Apl 29 | Johnson PB  S.A. Coms (See EB P 374) | 60  Sumpter Trinity Co. Apl 16/67 States that a warrant for the arrest of Geo. W. Cook and placed in the hands of Sheriff JC Madden for execution, that said Madden was seen engaged in conversation with said Cook, but failed to arrest him, that said Cook left for Georgia and asks that he may be arrested in Galveston as he will doubtless stop at Washington House that Cook and Madden both belong to a gang of Union Lynchers, and wants to know if he could be arrested by military force. |

| May 1st | Johnson, P.B. Sub Asst. Coms  See EB page 388 | Woodville, Texas. States he has met with Capt Sanger, Co G 17th U.S. Inft. Post Commander, and that he has no orders to send troops to the aid of Sub Asst Commissioners.  Wants to know if the troops to be provided him for aid to Sub Asst Comrs are these. |

| May 6 | Johsnon, P.B. Sub Asst. Comr  See EB page 389 | 62  Woodville, Texas. Asks to be allowed an allowance for office rent and clerk, transmitting proposals herewith for the same. |