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From page 234.

[[3 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 14" | Johnson, H.S. SAC. | 82 Sumpter Tex. June 1" 1867 Extract of letter relative to Schools &c. |

| June 14" | Respectfully referred to Lieut Kirkman Supt of Schools |   |

| June 14" | Johnson, H.S. S A.C. See EMB P 440 | 83. Sumpter Tex. May 18" 1867 Extract of letter relative to County fund & to whom due &c &c &c. destitute &c. |

| June 14" | Johnson H.S S A.C | 84 Sumpter. Texas. June 8" 1867 Communication relating to case of Nelson McClune account $244. 46/100. - |

| June 15 | See EMB P. 442 (Papers filed) |   |

| June 7th | Joyce. Wm Fm (EMB Page 449) | 85 Palestine, Anderson Co Tex. May 31" 1867 Such measure may be taken so as to compel one A.J. Joyce to restore to him his two children they serving in his employ as slaves. |

| June 20 | Johnson Isaac * late S.A.C. at Lagrange Filed July 6th 1867 | 86 Media Penna. May 24th 1867 Requests position S A.C. Bureau R F &c. |

| June 24 | Jones. J. Paul. * Filed July 6th 1867 | 87. Texana Tex. June 17th 1867 Asks if transportation can be issued to destitute white families wishing to come to Tex. - Ask copy of the order issued by Genl Kiddoo on the subject. 88 |

| July 6 | Johnson P.B. * S.A. Comr. E.B. page 468. Filed in T. | 88. Galveston, Tex., July 6, 1867. Tenders his resignation as Sub-Asst. Comr B.R., F. & A.L to take effect July 31, 1867. |


[[3 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 25 | Johnson H.S. * S.A.C Filed | 89 Sumpter Texas. June 13 1867 Reports to Maj. A H. Mayer, the murder of a freedman in Hawkins County. died in this Co. name of murderer Ferrell, a magic Lantern showman. description given. |

| June 20 | Johnson, Jas. G. * Filed | 90. Galveston Texas. June 10, 1867. Applies to Genl. Comd'g. for position in Bureau. Has been out of employment for 6 months, large family means low. |

| July 15 | Johnson, P.B. * S.A.C. Filed | 91. Woodville Texas. June 7th 1867. Private letter to Lieut J.T. Kirkman, pertaining to his Office. Dissatisfaction in regard to rent. |

| 16 | Johnson H.S. S.A.C. E & M B. 487. | 92. Sumpter Texas July 2, 1867 Applies that authority may be granted him to have an Office to be used for Sub. Asst. Comr. also that a copy of the authority be furnished the A.A.Q.M in order that Mr. S.I. Johnson's vouchers for rent may be paid. |

| June. 10 | Johnson, P.B. ** S.A.C. Filed | 93. Woodville Tex. May 31, 1867. Report for month of May, in compliance with Cir. letter dated Dec. 31, 1866. no rations. no Abandoned Lands. |

| 12 | Johnson H.S. ** S.A.C. Filed | 94. Sumpter Texas. June 1, 1867 Report for May in compliance with Cir letter dated Dec. 31, 1866. |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-25 15:44:11