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[[3 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| July. 16 | Johnson. H. S. ** S.A.C.  E & M  B. 497 Extract provided Supt of schools | 95  Sumpter Texas, July 1, 1867  Report for month of June 1867 in compliance with Cir. Letter. Dec. 31. 1866, |

| July 26 | Johnson H. S. S.A.C.  E & M  B. 497 | 96  Sumpter Texas. July 10. 1867.  States that the detachment from Co. D. 26th Infty. on duty, at Sumpter Texas, are out of pay, clothes &c |

| July 16 | Johnson H S. * S.A.C.  Filed | 97.  Supter Tex. July. 21. 1867.  No rations. No abandoned lands for months of April. May. & June. |

| July 20 | Johnson H. S. S.A.C.  E&M. B. 509. | 98.  Sumpter, Tex. July 19. 1867.  Transmits contracts (duplicate) between C. C. Talliaferro & Danl & Eliza Little. Thinks the wages too small, suggests a revocation & asks for information from these Head Quarters. |

| July 29 | Johnson H. S. * S.A.C.  Filed | 99. Sumpter Tex July 21, 1867  States that Sam'l Knight a notorious desperado, was in the vicinity some 3 days since, arranged the plan of arresting him, but was foiled, further states that he is only waiting the arrival of Capt Devine to arrest the Wingate family |

| July 30 | Johnson H. S. S.A.C.  E.B. 521. | 100.  Sumpter Tex. July 5th 1867  Recommends S. Rich for County Clerk and J. M. Sandfer, County Commissioner and encloses their oath of Office |

| Aug 10 | Joost A.  E.B. 528  Referred to Jno H Morrison S A C. | 101  Palestine Texas. July 30, 1867.  Writes to Ball Hutchins and Co requesting that they would ascertain the particulars of the case of the two Negro children (orphans) who were taken from him by order of the Ass't Commissioner and given up to their reported father William (fmc) |

| Aug 2. | Jones. Sam'l S. *  Filed. | 102.  Dallas Texas July 22. 1867  Furnishes as full and complete a report of the moral and political status of the Co (Dallas) as it is possible for him to do. |

| July 29. | Johnson. H. S. S.A.C.  Filed | 103.  Sumpter Texas. July 21st 1867.  States that Sam Knight a notorious desperado was in the vicinity some 2 days since, arranged the plan of arresting him but was foiled, further, that he is only awaiting the arrival of Capt Devine to arrest the Wingate family. |

| Aug 7. | Johnson P. B. *** S.A.C.  Filed | 104.  Woodville Texas. July 23. 1867  Report of assaults and Battery since Jan 1' 1867 |

| Aug 9 | Johnson. H. S. * S.A.C. Filed | 105.  Sumpter. Texas August 1. 1867  Reports that he has no Abandoned Lands or Rations to account for. for July 1867. |

| Aug 20 | Johnson P. B. * Filed | 106.  Woodville Texas. Aug. 1st 1867  Submits report of Abandoned Lands and Rations issued for the month of July, 1867. |

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Transcription Notes:
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