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| June 16, | Kyle, R. G,  See E.B. page. 63. | 5.  Sugar Land, Texas June 2nd 1866.  Asks to be relieved of the charge of an Indigent freedwoman, |

| June 20 | Kyle, R. G,  See E.B. page 67. | 6.  Sugar Lands Texas June 11th 1866,  Asks to be relieved of the charge of an (fw.c), encloses letter written. to Capt Sloan from Hd Qrs B.R. &c, June 6th 1866, |

| June 26. | Ketchum. Capt. A. P. A.A.A. Gen'l  Referred to Mr Wheelock Supt of Schools. | 7  Washington. D.C. June 18" 1866,  Is directed by Gen'l Howard to request that the School Report for term ending July 1st 1866. be sent promptly so that the Annual Report can be rendered before the end of the Month, |

| July 4. | Ketchum. Capt. A. P.  Referred to Capt Wright for action. | 8.  Washington D.C. May 26" 1866.  Refers Official Copy of Letter from A.G.O. requiring all funds in hands of Officers of Bureau. to be deposited with Asst. Treasurer and Special Depositories. (And encloses List of same) Transfers from one Depository to another not to be made without permission from Sect of War, All Funds to remain in Depository untill needed for payment to public Creditor, &c |

| Sept. 4. | Keaton. A. C.  See E.B. page, 146, & 151 | 9,  Millican, Texas, August 30th 1866,  States that on the 2nd day of January 1865, he was employed as clerk by W. H. Farner, and was assured by Capt Morse he would be paid by the Bureau, has written to different officers respecting pay due him, but has got no satisfaction &c, |

| Sept 17. | Kiddoo. J. B. Brvt Maj. Genl  See E.B. page, 156. | 10,  Galveston, Texas, Sept 17" 1866,  Through Brvt Lt. Col. Ellis requests Col. E. C, Mason to oblige him with Rank, (Brvt and Actual) of Officers of 3rd Batt 17th U.S_ Inf_ who are in Com.d of Posts, |

| Oct 2, | King. M. A, Sef  See EB. page, 164, | 11.  Courtney Texas Sept 9" 1866  States he rented a from farm 4 miles from Capt Whitesides' of a Mr Gresham two of whose sons assaulted himself and one of his freedmen. Capt Randlett has neglected to give them redress. Mr Gresham and Sons want to "ruin" himself and freedmen of the place now the Crop is made, so as to get all, |

| June 10 | Ketchum. A. B. * A.A.A. Gen'l  Filed. | 12  Washington, D.C. May 23. 1866.  Official copy respectfully referred to the Asst. Commissioner, Texas for his information. (The paper referred to is the "Right Way.") |

| June 17 | Ketchum. A. P. * A.A.A. Gen'l.  Filed. | 12.  Washington. D.C. June 7. 1866  Secretary War decides that Gen. Orders No. 26 applies to Texas as well as any where else if the civil tribunals are in operation. |

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